Saturday, September 6, 2008


yesterday was one day . the day before was a past.

turn on to this old place again, we start dancing and drinking.
with the new friend's treat ABC .
turning out to be a normal night.
the awkward moments, the push, the eyes.
can hurt me now. and i wonder why.
the call was even more heart aching.

po and me both drove all the way to chapel street.
we found a tiny cozy place called la camera.
then, was side parking that almost laugh our ass off.
two glasses of shiraz and more talking . the reason why it hurts.
luciano, kind enough to treat us another two glass on house.
we laugh, laugh and laugh to make sure we laugh all over.

we then do side parking again , china town this time.
gene was waiting for us downstair, we then sang "tian kong" in chi lounge.
in minutes, people appear again that make it more hurting.
we left and kebab near parkville. wonder why such food exist . it is way too delicious !!
hit home and could not bare to close my eyes.

why you pull back. you need not to do so.
i'm cleaning my room AGAIN !!!!


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